Can I cancel my order after purchasing?
Yes! We offer instant order cancellations up to 12 hours of your order.

Your order will be canceled and a full refund will be issued as soon as we receive your request.

If you still want a refund once your item has been shipped out. You will need to start our standard return process.

How do I return or exchange an item?
Our return policy is effective for 30 days from the time your item is shipped.
Please see our Returns and Refunds Policy for more information on how to initiate the return process.

What kind of payment methods do you accept?
We accept PAYPAL

What are your shipping options?
We currently have only one shipping option. For more information Please visit our Shipping FAQ page.

What happens if my order arrives broken or damaged?
we will do it for you You can request a refund or exchange/store credit. Please contact us at [email protected]

Where do you ship from?
We mostly ship from fulfillment centers in the United States,east asia and western europe If the item you purchased is not in stock in your area. We will deliver straight from our production line at the same delivery time as stated in our shipping section.

I’m missing an item from my order.
It depends on the items you order and our current stock in different locations. They may be exported from different warehouse locations.
We fully guarantee and ensure that your parcel will arrive. If you find that your package hasn’t arrived on the timeline listed on our Shipping FAQ page. please contact us at  [email protected]  And we’ll handle it for you!